Les diners de Ethel is a project inspired by Salvador Dali's book "Les Diners de Gala" and the surrealist artist of his time in particular the women artists that were part of the movement. This dinner is in honour to a dear friend that reminded me a lot of my father and mother. He was a creator in this realm we call life. He was to take part of this dinner as one of my ten guests.
I am inviting ten guests, we will be a total of 12 at the table. The menu is based on his book. I am currently working on the recipes and making some changes to it. Also I will pair the menu with a selection of wines according to my inspiration. I am studying to become a sommelier. I am in the last semester. This have been an excellent way to learn in depth about the regions and its terroir. All these factors shapes the lives of us. I look at Dali's live in an intimate way. We are overtaken by our senses. I am creating all the items that will be part of this dinner. Each guest must dress for the occasion. I am sketching some ideas for dresses to wear for this occasion. |
Extra Factory Gallery selected one of my self-portraits "Being Dali" for a photographic exhibit that explores unusual spaces " Luogi non comuni".
Being Dali