The Object of my Affection : Adam - The Day After - Objecti(i)Fixation
Photographs - Paintings - Performance
The Object of my Affection : Adam -The Day After - Object(i)Fixation is a continuation of prior exhibits that focuses on gender roles, identity, and the feminine energy in nature. I have been working on this project for the past two years. During that period, my mother became ill, and moved on to another realm. My fragile muse finally free like a butterfly morphing again and again into anything she desires. She was my first Apple. My first Eve. Like any other woman, she is an unknown hero of a life made of compromises. Nature feminine first ,male after; Adam is because of Eve.
I hope to awaken our consciousness in regards to the reality of women as objects in old and modern times. Using photography as a medium of self-expression, I decided to alter this reality by asking men to pose nude with an apple to explore levels of comfort/discomfort between me, them, and the viewer, and to raise many questions based on their personal perceptions and experiences. Can my work objectify me and make me a victim of moral deformation? Would I be judged because I am a woman?
The Day After
A visual testimony of stories and myths about women through times. Some of these paintings will be accompanied by a sensorial object to unite the viewer with the work.
Bless the Apple :1 Innocence 2 Fragility :
Inspired by the story of the Three Apples from "The Arabian Nights"
A man wrongly kills his wife, cuts her into pieces and throws her into the river Tigris. He did so because a slave tricked the man in believing she was his mistress.
Jugdment that kills the innocent and forgives the guilty,
Senses: Victim of your Fantasies
3.Frenzy 4. Raptured 5. Seven Year Itch
Alep : 𐤀 ʾālep : The Phoenician alphabet is the oldest verified alphabet
Aleph א
Aleph is also the first letter of the Hebrew word emet (אֶמֶת), which means truth.
Lilith - Eve - Pandora
Inspired by the story of the Three Apples from "The Arabian Nights"
A man wrongly kills his wife, cuts her into pieces and throws her into the river Tigris. He did so because a slave tricked the man in believing she was his mistress.
Jugdment that kills the innocent and forgives the guilty,
Senses: Victim of your Fantasies
3.Frenzy 4. Raptured 5. Seven Year Itch
Alep : 𐤀 ʾālep : The Phoenician alphabet is the oldest verified alphabet
Aleph א
Aleph is also the first letter of the Hebrew word emet (אֶמֶת), which means truth.
Lilith - Eve - Pandora
Aleph - Evita
Sono Lilith, ribelle e selvaggia. Sono Eva, disobbediente e ingannevole. Sono Maria Maddalena, una donna sessuale. Siamo l'utero. Siamo Aleph. Siamo donne rivestite di vergogna. Siamo serpenti con due teste: conoscenza e piacere. Il frutto è tra le nostre gambe. Angeli e demoni riposano nelle nostre corone. Siamo madri della creazione. Amami per il mio dono. Io sono la vita, sono Aleph. |