Miro said : I try to apply colors like words that shape poems, like notes that shape music. I would also like to add, ¨like ingredients that shape a dish¨.
About 3 weeks ago I was in Pisa at the same time that the Miro's exhibit was to open for the public. I was the first one to get at the Palazzo Blu and I was happy to be able to spend many hours delighting my eyes with the freedom of his lines and shapes that makes a joyful playground for one's imagination.
While there, between his paintings, poems, and sculptures, I was thinking how to create a dish with the same simplicity and harmony as his work. For a few days my thoughts wondered until once again we were back home in the comfort of my kitchen and appliances.
The day arrived and I was ready with apron and all. I looked at my counter as a painter looks at the empty canvas before it places the first stroke. However, when I am about to paint I open the doors of my imagination, this time I opened the doors of my kitchen cabinets to commence my adventure.
What I created was a combination of a dish from South America, with an Italian flair to it. Who tested my dish? Well, my husband of course, and he is not that easy to please as he grew up with an Italian grandmother and mother, both good cooks as well. Did I pass the test??? Yes I did!!! In this home is all about tests. Not from me, but from Marco. Was I happy? Indeed !!! Now, I can't wait for my next dinner party to put my new creation to the test of my friends.
And as Miro said: In a picture, it should be possible to discover new things every time you see it. But you can look at a picture for a week together and never think of it again. You can also look at a picture for a second and think all your life.
About 3 weeks ago I was in Pisa at the same time that the Miro's exhibit was to open for the public. I was the first one to get at the Palazzo Blu and I was happy to be able to spend many hours delighting my eyes with the freedom of his lines and shapes that makes a joyful playground for one's imagination.
While there, between his paintings, poems, and sculptures, I was thinking how to create a dish with the same simplicity and harmony as his work. For a few days my thoughts wondered until once again we were back home in the comfort of my kitchen and appliances.
The day arrived and I was ready with apron and all. I looked at my counter as a painter looks at the empty canvas before it places the first stroke. However, when I am about to paint I open the doors of my imagination, this time I opened the doors of my kitchen cabinets to commence my adventure.
What I created was a combination of a dish from South America, with an Italian flair to it. Who tested my dish? Well, my husband of course, and he is not that easy to please as he grew up with an Italian grandmother and mother, both good cooks as well. Did I pass the test??? Yes I did!!! In this home is all about tests. Not from me, but from Marco. Was I happy? Indeed !!! Now, I can't wait for my next dinner party to put my new creation to the test of my friends.
And as Miro said: In a picture, it should be possible to discover new things every time you see it. But you can look at a picture for a week together and never think of it again. You can also look at a picture for a second and think all your life.
I would say this is also truth with food. My memories lingers to my childhood experiences of certain dishes that until now I wonder in pure delight. So in the next few days, I will work on my recipe and will post it here and iYouTube of course!